Welcome to the world of One Piece with our meticulously crafted replica of Portgas D. Ace‘s Knife replica. This one-of-a-kind prop is an absolute must for any One Piece fan wanting to pay homage to the iconic character. Crafted from PLA plastic, this replica ensures safety and won’t cause any harm or cuts, while providing an authentic look and feel.
This is a great option if you want to add to your collection, need a cosplay accessory, or are seeking for a special present for a One Piece fan. Our artist’s meticulous hand painting and also minute details bring this animated weapon to life.
How it’s Made?
In order to create a replica of from a video game we have a though and long process to go through. We use 3D modeling and animation software. This allows our designers to create highly detailed, as well as accurate representations of characters, environments, and objects from the game.
When our technical team is done with 3d modeling and animating, it is time for our artists to take charge. Every single replica & prop is hand painted by our talented artists in a timely manner. They have the hard part of not just only painting, but researching every aspect of the prop, and that takes time. If we do not go to the extreme to create the most accurate replica, then what’s the point to even creating them?
To guarantee that your product reaches safely, we send it in an extra-protective padded box.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Lastly, Have fun shopping!
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