Call Of Duty

Discover every Call of Duty Zombies Characters exciting history now!

Call of Duty Zombies Characters: Unraveling the Undead Saga

The Call of Duty Zombies mode, introduced as a hidden gem in Call of Duty: World at War (2008), has since grown into a beloved franchise within a franchise. What started as a simple, survival-based minigame has blossomed into a sprawling narrative universe, complete with its own lore, story arcs, and most importantly, unforgettable characters.

This blog explores the rich tapestry of Call of Duty Zombies characters, delving into their origins, development, and significance within the broader Zombies storyline. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to the undead, understanding these characters is crucial to fully appreciating the depth of the Call of Duty Zombies experience.

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The Origins of Call of Duty Zombies Characters

Call of Duty Zombies was originally intended as an extra mode in World at War, developed by Treyarch as a passion project. The mode’s unexpected success led to the creation of four iconic Call of Duty zombies characters that would anchor the Zombies storyline for years to come: Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki, and Edward Richtofen. These characters, often referred to as “the Ultimis crew,” became the focal point of the Zombies narrative, which spans multiple games, timelines, and dimensions.

Tank Dempsey

Tank Dempsey, an American Marine, embodies the archetypal tough soldier. His character is heavily influenced by the World War II setting of World at War, where he is first introduced. Dempsey is brash, fearless, and often serves as the de facto leader of the group. His patriotic zeal and disdain for the Nazis fuel his determination to survive the zombie onslaught.

Over the course of the series, Dempsey’s character evolves, revealing layers of depth beyond his initial portrayal as a stereotypical action hero. His interactions with other characters, particularly the morally ambiguous Richtofen, highlight his strong sense of justice and loyalty.

Nikolai Belinski

Nikolai Belinski, a Russian soldier, is the comedic relief of the group. His character is steeped in stereotypes of the hard-drinking, cynical Russian, often seen clutching a bottle of vodka. However, Nikolai’s humor masks a tragic backstoryโ€”he is a man deeply scarred by the horrors of war and the loss of multiple wives, whose deaths he often laments in-game.

His seemingly careless attitude is a coping mechanism for the pain and trauma he has endured. As the Zombies storyline progresses, Nikolai’s character becomes increasingly complex, revealing a man who is both haunted by his past and driven by a desire to find redemption.

Takeo Masaki

Call of Duty Zombies Characters: Unraveling the Undead Saga
Call of Duty Zombies Characters: Takeo Masaki

Takeo Masaki, a Japanese warrior, is the stoic and honorable member of the group. His Call of Duty zombies character draws heavily from traditional samurai culture, emphasizing themes of honor, duty, and loyalty. Takeo often speaks in cryptic, philosophical terms, reflecting his deep connection to Japanese heritage and his belief in destiny.

His interactions with the other members of the Ultimis crew, particularly the morally conflicted Richtofen, often center around his quest for personal and collective honor. Over time, Takeo’s character undergoes significant development, moving from a one-dimensional samurai archetype to a figure of wisdom and reflection, deeply concerned with the spiritual implications of their journey.

Edward Richtofen

Call of Duty Zombies Characters: Unraveling the Undead Saga
Call of Duty Zombies Characters: Edward Richtofen

Edward Richtofen is arguably the most complex character in the Call of Duty Zombies universe. A German scientist, Richtofen is both a genius and a madman, responsible for much of the chaos that ensues throughout the Zombies storyline. His character is inspired by real-life figures from World War II, particularly those involved in unethical experiments.

Richtofen’s obsession with power, combined with his lack of morality, makes him a terrifying antagonist and, at times, an uneasy ally to the other characters. His journey through the Zombies narrative is one of the most intricate, involving multiple versions of himself across different dimensions and timelines. Richtofen’s character embodies the dark, unpredictable nature of the Zombies storyline, where trust is fleeting, and betrayal is commonplace.

The Evolution of the Zombies Cast: From Ultimis to Primis

As the Zombies mode expanded, so did its cast of characters. The introduction of the Primis crew in Call of Duty: Black Ops II marked a significant evolution in the narrative. Primis is essentially a reimagined version of the Ultimis crew, but with key differences that reflect the broader, more intricate storyline of the later games.

Primis Versions of the Ultimis Crew

The Primis versions of Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, and Richtofen are introduced as more mature, self-aware versions of their Ultimis counterparts. These characters are no longer just caricatures of their respective nationalities; they are fully fleshed-out individuals with complex motivations and personal stakes in the unfolding events. The shift from Ultimis to Primis represents a maturation of the Zombies narrative, moving away from the initial campy horror vibe towards a more serious, lore-driven experience.

  • Primis Dempsey: The Primis version of Dempsey is more introspective, reflecting on the horrors he has witnessed and his role in the ongoing battle against the undead. He is still the brave, headstrong leader, but with a deeper understanding of the stakes involved.
  • Primis Nikolai: Primis Nikolai is less of a drunkard and more of a tragic figure. His humor is tinged with sadness, and his actions are driven by a desire to right the wrongs of his past, particularly those involving his numerous deceased wives.
  • Primis Takeo: Primis Takeoโ€™s sense of honor and duty is heightened, but so too is his understanding of the futility of their quest. He becomes a character who embodies the themes of fate and free will, grappling with the weight of his decisions and their impact on the future.
  • Primis Richtofen: Primis Richtofen is still manipulative and cunning, but he is driven by a sense of destiny. He believes that his actions, however immoral, are necessary to save the multiverse from total destruction. His character is the linchpin of the Zombies narrative, with his plans and machinations driving much of the storyโ€™s twists and turns.

Expanded Universe: Other Key Call of Duty Zombies Characters

Beyond the core Ultimis and Primis crews, the Call of Duty Zombies universe has introduced a plethora of other memorable characters, each adding new layers to the complex narrative tapestry.

Samantha Maxis

Samantha Maxis is one of the most important characters in the Zombies storyline. The daughter of Dr. Ludvig Maxis, Samantha’s story is central to the lore of the Aether storyline, which spans multiple games. Initially, she is trapped in the Aether, a dimension where she gains control over the zombie hordes. Her character represents innocence corrupted by power and the tragic consequences of her fatherโ€™s experiments. Over the course of the series, Samantha evolves from a vengeful spirit to a key player in the fight against the undead, and her story is a driving force behind many of the major events in the Zombies saga.

Call of Duty Zombies Characters: Unraveling the Undead Saga
Call of Duty Zombies Characters

Dr. Ludvig Maxis

Dr. Ludvig Maxis, Samantha’s father, is a pivotal figure in the Zombies lore. As the head of Group 935, a secret Nazi research organization, Maxisโ€™s experiments with Element 115 lead to the creation of the zombies. His relationship with Richtofen is fraught with betrayal and conflict, and his actions have far-reaching consequences for the entire storyline. Maxis’s character is tragicโ€”an idealist whose pursuit of scientific advancement ultimately leads to catastrophe. Throughout the series, Maxis oscillates between villain and ally, his motivations often clouded by his love for his daughter and his guilt over the destruction he has caused.

The Shadows of Evil Crew

In Call of Duty: Black Ops III, the Zombies mode took a detour from the established storyline with the introduction of the Shadows of Evil crew. Set in the fictional city of Morg City during the 1940s, Shadows of Evil features four new characters: Jessica Rose, Jack Vincent, Floyd Campbell, and Nero Blackstone. Each character is deeply flawed, with a dark past that ties into the map’s central mystery.

  • Jessica Rose: A femme fatale who uses her beauty to manipulate others.
  • Jack Vincent: A corrupt cop with a penchant for violence.
  • Floyd Campbell: A washed-up boxer looking for one last fight.
  • Nero Blackstone: A magician whose lust for power led to the death of his wife.

These characters are bound by a curse that forces them to confront their sins, making for a narrative that is as much about redemption as it is about survival. While not directly connected to the main Aether storyline, the Shadows of Evil crew expanded the Zombies universe, adding new dimensions to the lore and introducing new gameplay mechanics that would influence future maps.

The Dark Aether Storyline: New Faces, New Threats

With the conclusion of the Aether storyline in Call of Duty: Black Ops IV, Treyarch introduced a new narrative arc with the Dark Aether storyline, beginning with Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. This new storyline brought with it a fresh set of characters and a new direction for the Zombies mode.

Requiem and Omega Groups

The Dark Aether storyline centers around two opposing factions: Requiem, a CIA-backed task force, and Omega Group, a Soviet research division. Each group is populated with new characters, all of whom play critical roles in the unfolding events.

  • Grigori Weaver: A returning character from the main Black Ops series, Weaver leads the Requiem team. His character serves as the link between the new storyline and the established Black Ops universe. Weaver is a seasoned operative, dedicated to preventing the spread of the Dark Aether’s influence.
  • Dr. William Peck: A key figure in the Omega Group, Dr. Peck is a scientist whose work with the Dark Aether presents a significant threat to the world. His character embodies the moral ambiguities of scientific research, where the pursuit of knowledge often leads to unintended consequences.
  • Samantha Maxis (Rebooted): The new iteration of Samantha Maxis is older, wiser, and more battle-hardened. Her character is central to the Dark Aether storyline, and she plays a crucial role in the fight against the undead and the forces of the Dark Aether.

Call of Duty zombies Characters Impact on Gameplay and Storytelling

The characters in Call of Duty Zombies are not just window dressing; they have a direct impact on gameplay and storytelling. Each character’s personality, backstory, and motivations are reflected in the way they interact with the world, the dialogue they share, and the Easter eggs hidden throughout the maps.

Dialogue and Character Development

The dialogue in Call of Duty Zombies is a key tool for character development. The banter between characters provides insight into their personalities, relationships, and the larger narrative. For example, the interactions between Dempsey and Richtofen are often laced with tension, reflecting their conflicting worldviews. Similarly, Nikolai’s drunken ramblings often reveal deeper truths about his tragic past. These dialogues are more than just flavor text; they are integral to the storytelling, providing clues to the ongoing mysteries and the characters’ arcs.

Easter Eggs and Character Arcs

Easter eggs in Call of Duty Zombies often revolve around the characters and their backstories. These hidden challenges and puzzles provide deeper insight into the characters’ motivations and the broader storyline. Completing these Easter eggs often leads to significant narrative reveals, offering players a sense of progression and a deeper connection to the characters they are playing as.

The Future of Call of Duty Zombies Characters

As the Call of Duty Zombies mode continues to evolve, so too will its characters. With each new installment, Treyarch introduces new faces, while also revisiting and reimagining old ones. The transition from the Aether storyline to the Dark Aether storyline marks a new chapter in the Zombies saga, one that promises to explore new themes, settings, and character dynamics.

Potential New Call of Duty Zombies Characters

Future Call of Duty Zombies installments are likely to introduce new characters that reflect the changing landscape of the game. As the narrative shifts to new settings and timelines, the characters will need to adapt to these changes, bringing new skills, personalities, and storylines into the mix. Given the success of the Requiem and Omega groups in Black Ops Cold War, it’s likely that future games will continue to explore these factions and their members, adding new layers to the already complex Zombies universe.

Returning Favorites

While new characters are always exciting, there is also a strong likelihood that fan-favorite characters will return in some form. The Call of Duty Zombies community is deeply attached to characters like Richtofen, Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo, and Treyarch has a history of revisiting these beloved figures in creative ways. Whether through flashbacks, alternate dimensions, or reboots, the legacy of these characters will continue to influence the future of Call of Duty Zombies.


The Call of Duty Zombies Characters are the heart and soul of the game mode. From the original Ultimis crew to the new faces introduced in the Dark Aether storyline, these characters drive the narrative, enrich the gameplay, and keep players coming back for more. As the Zombies mode continues to evolve, so too will its cast of characters, ensuring that the legacy of Call of Duty Zombies remains as engaging and compelling as ever. Whether you’re drawn to the tragic backstory of Nikolai, the mad genius of Richtofen, or the stoic honor of Takeo, there’s a character in the Call of Duty Zombies universe for everyone to connect with and explore.

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