Call Of Duty

How to survive Call of Duty Cold War Zombies – Know Every Little Secret

Call of Duty Cold War Zombies

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War has captivated gamers with its intense gameplay and rich storyline, but one of the standout features is undoubtedly its Zombies mode. This mode has been a fan favorite since its introduction, and Cold War Zombies takes the experience to a new level. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into every aspect of Call of Duty Cold War Zombies, from its history and evolution to gameplay mechanics, strategies, and community impact. Whether you’re a seasoned zombie slayer or new to the undead apocalypse, this guide will provide you with everything you need to survive and thrive.

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The History and Evolution of Call of Duty Zombies

Origins of Zombies Mode

The Zombies mode was first introduced in Call of Duty: World at War, quickly becoming a beloved feature. Over the years, it has evolved, adding complexity, new mechanics, and deep lore. Each installment has brought something new, and Cold War Zombies is no exception.

Integration into Cold War

With Black Ops Cold War, Zombies mode has been seamlessly integrated into the broader narrative of the game. This integration provides a cohesive experience that ties together the campaign, multiplayer, and Zombies mode. The story picks up where previous games left off, continuing the dark and mysterious journey into the undead apocalypse.

Call of Duty Cold War Zombies Gameplay Mechanics and Features

Core Gameplay

At its heart, Call of Duty Cold War Zombies is about survival. Players must fend off waves of increasingly difficult zombies while completing objectives and exploring the map. The core mechanics include:

  • Points System: Earn points by killing zombies and repairing barriers. Use these points to purchase weapons, perks, and open new areas.
  • Weapons and Upgrades: A wide range of weapons is available, from basic pistols to powerful wonder weapons. Upgrades through the Pack-a-Punch machine and the use of Aetherium Crystals enhance weapon effectiveness.
  • Perks: Essential for survival, perks provide various bonuses such as increased health, faster reload speeds, and more. Classic perks like Juggernog and Speed Cola return alongside new additions.
  • Scorestreaks: Unique to Cold War Zombies, scorestreaks provide powerful abilities and support items that can turn the tide of battle.

New Features in Cold War Zombies

Cold War Zombies introduces several new features that enhance the gameplay experience:

  • Exfiltration: A new mechanic allowing players to call in a helicopter to escape the map after a certain number of rounds. Successfully exfiltrating provides bonus rewards.
  • Field Upgrades: Special abilities that can be used in-game, such as healing auras, energy mines, and more. These upgrades recharge over time and provide strategic advantages.
  • Weapon Rarity System: Weapons now have a rarity level, affecting their base stats and making looting and upgrading more dynamic.
  • Dark Aether Storyline: A new narrative thread that dives deep into the origins and mysteries of the Zombies universe, with Easter eggs and hidden lore for players to discover.
Call of Duty Cold War Zombies
Call of Duty Cold War Zombies – Speed Cola


Call of Duty Cold War Zombies launched with the map “Die Maschine,” a reimagining of the original Nacht der Untoten. Since then, several other maps have been added, each offering unique challenges and environments:

  • Die Maschine: Set in an abandoned World War II bunker, this map blends nostalgia with new mechanics.
  • Firebase Z: Located in a Vietnam-era outpost, Firebase Z introduces new enemies and objectives.
  • Mauer der Toten: Set in Berlin, this map features vertical gameplay and new story elements.
  • Forsaken: The final map in the Dark Aether storyline, set in a Soviet training facility with a range of new features and challenges.

Call of Duty Cold War Zombies Strategies for Success

Early Rounds

In the early rounds of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, focus on maximizing points. Use melee attacks to conserve ammo and repair barriers for additional points. Open essential areas and purchase key weapons and perks.

Mid to Late Rounds

As the rounds progress, prioritize upgrading your weapons and acquiring powerful perks. Utilize the Pack-a-Punch machine and upgrade your weapons’ rarity level. Work with your team to hold strategic positions and manage zombie spawns effectively.

Exfiltration Strategy

If you choose to exfiltrate, coordinate with your team to ensure everyone is ready. Prepare by gathering powerful weapons, full ammo, and necessary perks. Communicate and stick together to maximize your chances of a successful exfiltration.

Utilizing Field Upgrades and Scorestreaks

Field upgrades and scorestreaks can be game-changers. Use them strategically to manage large groups of zombies or provide crucial support to your team. Familiarize yourself with each upgrade’s abilities and recharge times.

Call of Duty Cold War Zombies Community and Impact

Player Community

The Zombies community is one of the most passionate and dedicated groups within the Call of Duty franchise. From casual players to hardcore enthusiasts, the community thrives on discovering Easter eggs, developing strategies, and sharing their experiences online. Social media platforms, forums, and streaming services are filled with content related to Cold War Zombies.

Easter Eggs and Hidden Lore

Call of Duty Cold War Zombies continues the tradition of complex Easter eggs and hidden lore. These elements provide depth to the game, encouraging players to explore and uncover secrets. Completing Easter eggs often requires teamwork, puzzle-solving, and a deep understanding of the map’s mechanics.

Competitive Play

While Call of Duty Cold War Zombies is primarily cooperative, competitive play has found its place within the community. Speedrunning Easter eggs, high round challenges, and custom game modes created by the community add a competitive edge to the cooperative experience. Leaderboards and community tournaments further enhance this aspect.

Call of Duty Cold War Zombies
Call of Duty Cold War Zombies – Giant Robot

Impact on the Franchise

Cold War Zombies has had a significant impact on the Call of Duty franchise. Its integration with the broader narrative and innovative gameplay mechanics have set a new standard for future installments. The mode’s popularity has also influenced other game modes and titles within the franchise.

The Future of Call of Duty Zombies

Upcoming Content

The future of Call of Duty Zombies looks promising, with continued support and updates planned. New maps, features, and storylines are expected to keep the community engaged and excited. The success of Call of Duty Cold War Zombies has set the stage for future innovations and expansions.

Integration with New Titles

As the Call of Duty franchise evolves, Zombies mode will continue to be a staple. Future titles will likely build upon the foundation laid by Cold War Zombies, introducing new mechanics and storylines while retaining the core elements that make Zombies mode beloved by fans.

Community Expectations

The community’s expectations for future content are high. Players are eager for new maps, innovative gameplay mechanics, and deep lore. The developers’ commitment to listening to community feedback and delivering quality content will be crucial in meeting these expectations.


Call of Duty Cold War Zombies has redefined the Zombies experience, offering a rich and immersive gameplay experience that appeals to both new and veteran players. From its deep lore and complex Easter eggs to its innovative mechanics and community impact, Cold War Zombies stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of the mode.

Whether you’re diving into the Dark Aether storyline, mastering new gameplay mechanics, or competing with friends in high round challenges, Call of Duty Cold War Zombies offers endless opportunities for excitement and engagement. The future of Zombies mode is bright, and the community’s passion ensures that it will continue to evolve and captivate players for years to come.

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