Call Of Duty

The Ultimate Guide to Call of Duty 5 Guns: Arsenal of World at War At Your Feet

The Ultimate Guide to Call of Duty 5 Guns: Mastering the Arsenal of World at War

Call of Duty: World at War, commonly referred to as Call of Duty 5, stands as one of the most memorable titles in the Call of Duty franchise. Released in 2008, this game transported players back to the intense battlegrounds of World War II, offering a gritty and immersive experience. One of the standout features of World at War is its diverse arsenal of period-authentic weapons. In this comprehensive guide, weโ€™ll dive deep into the Call of Duty 5 guns, analyzing their effectiveness, historical significance, and the best strategies for using them in both multiplayer and campaign modes.

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1. The Historical Context of Call of Duty 5 Guns

Before delving into the individual Call of Duty 5 Guns, it’s important to understand the historical context in which these guns were used. World at War is set during the later stages of World War II, covering the brutal battles of the Eastern Front and the Pacific Theater. The game features weapons from various nations involved in the conflict, including the United States, the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and the Empire of Japan. Each weapon in the game is modeled after its real-life counterpart, offering players an authentic WWII experience.

2. Rifles โ€“ The Backbone of the Infantry

Rifles were the primary Call of Duty 5 Guns for infantrymen during World War II, and in Call of Duty 5, they are some of the most versatile and powerful guns available.

The Ultimate Guide to Call of Duty 5 Guns: Mastering the Arsenal of World at War
The Ultimate Guide to Call of Duty 5 Guns: Mastering the Arsenal of World at War

M1 Garand

The M1 Garand is an iconic American semi-automatic rifle known for its reliability and stopping power. In World at War, the M1 Garand is a highly effective weapon for medium to long-range engagements. It features a moderate rate of fire and significant damage per shot, allowing players to take down enemies with just a few well-placed shots. The rifle’s only downside is its 8-round clip, which requires careful management during firefights. However, the distinctive “ping” sound when the clip is ejected is both satisfying and iconic.


The Kar98k is a German bolt-action rifle that offers high damage and excellent accuracy. This weapon is deadly at long ranges, capable of downing enemies with a single shot to the upper body or head. The Kar98kโ€™s slow rate of fire due to its bolt-action mechanism makes it less effective in close-quarters combat, but in the hands of a skilled marksman, it is one of the most lethal weapons in the game. The Kar98k is best used for picking off enemies from a distance, making it a favorite among players who prefer a more methodical approach to combat.


The Arisaka is a Japanese bolt-action rifle that, like the Kar98k, excels in long-range engagements. It features slightly lower damage than the Kar98k but compensates with a faster aim-down-sights time. The Arisaka is particularly effective in the Pacific Theater maps, where long sightlines and dense foliage create opportunities for players to pick off enemies from a distance. The rifle’s historical accuracy and performance make it a valuable asset for players who enjoy sniping or holding defensive positions.


The Mosin-Nagant is the standard issue rifle for the Soviet forces in World at War. This bolt-action rifle is comparable to the Kar98k, offering high damage and accuracy at long range. The Mosin-Nagant is slightly faster to reload than the Kar98k, making it a bit more forgiving in combat. The rifle’s iron sights are also more open, allowing for quicker target acquisition. Overall, the Mosin-Nagant is a reliable weapon for players who want a powerful rifle that can dominate in long-range engagements.

3. Submachine Guns โ€“ Speed and Firepower

The Ultimate Guide to Call of Duty 5 Guns: Mastering the Arsenal of World at War
The Ultimate Guide to Call of Duty 5 Guns: Mastering the Arsenal of World at War

Submachine guns (SMGs) in Call of Duty 5 are designed for close-quarters combat, offering high rates of fire and mobility. These Call of Duty 5 Guns are perfect for players who prefer an aggressive, run-and-gun playstyle.


The Thompson submachine gun, also known as the “Tommy Gun,” is one of the most famous SMGs of World War II. In World at War, the Thompson is a versatile weapon that excels in close to medium-range combat. It features a high rate of fire, moderate recoil, and good damage, making it a reliable choice for players who like to engage enemies up close. The Thompsonโ€™s large 30-round magazine allows for sustained fire, making it ideal for clearing out rooms or defending objectives.


The MP40 is a German SMG that is highly effective in close-quarters combat. It has a slower rate of fire compared to the Thompson but compensates with higher damage and better accuracy at longer ranges. The MP40โ€™s low recoil makes it easy to control, even during extended bursts of fire. This weapon is particularly popular in multiplayer, where its balance of power and control makes it a go-to choice for many players. The MP40’s historical significance and performance make it one of the standout weapons in the game.

Type 100

The Type 100 is a Japanese SMG that offers a high rate of fire and moderate damage. It is one of the fastest-firing weapons in the game, making it deadly in close-quarters engagements. However, its high rate of fire comes with increased recoil, which can make it challenging to control at longer ranges. The Type 100 is best used in tight spaces or when flanking the enemy, where its rapid fire can quickly overwhelm opponents. Its compact design and quick handling make it a favorite for players who prioritize speed and aggression.


The PPSH-41 is a Soviet submachine gun known for its incredibly high rate of fire and large drum magazine. This weapon can unleash a torrent of bullets, making it devastating in close-range combat. The PPSH-41’s high recoil can make it difficult to control, but in the hands of an experienced player, it is one of the most powerful SMGs in the game. The weapon’s large magazine capacity allows players to spray down multiple enemies without needing to reload, making it ideal for holding choke points or leading an aggressive push.

4. Light Machine Guns โ€“ Sustained Firepower

Light machine guns (LMGs) in Call of Duty 5 are designed for providing suppressive fire and holding down key positions. These Call of Duty 5 Guns typically have large magazines and high damage output, but at the cost of mobility.

BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle)

The BAR is an American LMG that offers a balance between mobility and firepower. It has a slower rate of fire compared to SMGs but delivers higher damage per shot, making it effective at medium to long ranges. The BARโ€™s moderate recoil is manageable, but its small 20-round magazine means that players need to be mindful of their ammo count during engagements. The BAR is best used in a support role, where its sustained fire can help control the battlefield.


The MG42 is a German LMG that is infamous for its incredibly high rate of fire. This weapon can quickly lay down a barrage of bullets, making it perfect for suppressing enemies and controlling key areas of the map. The MG42โ€™s high recoil and slow aim-down-sights time make it less effective in close quarters, but its sheer firepower is unmatched. The MG42 is best used in defensive positions or when providing covering fire for teammates. Its historical reputation as the “buzzsaw” of the battlefield is well earned in World at War.

Type 99

The Type 99 is a Japanese LMG that offers a mix of firepower and mobility. It has a slower rate of fire compared to the MG42 but is more controllable, making it effective at medium ranges. The Type 99โ€™s 30-round magazine allows for sustained fire, and its manageable recoil makes it a solid choice for players who want a versatile LMG that can adapt to different combat scenarios. The weapon’s performance in the game reflects its real-life use by Japanese forces during World War II.


The DP-28 is a Soviet LMG known for its distinctive pan magazine. This weapon offers a good balance of damage, accuracy, and rate of fire, making it effective at medium to long ranges. The DP-28โ€™s large magazine allows for sustained fire, making it ideal for suppressing enemies and controlling key areas of the map. However, its slow reload time means that players need to plan their engagements carefully. The DP-28 is best used in a support role, where its sustained fire can help turn the tide of battle.

The Ultimate Guide to Call of Duty 5 Guns: Mastering the Arsenal of World at War
The Ultimate Guide to Call of Duty 5 Guns: Mastering the Arsenal of World at War

5. Sniper Rifles โ€“ Precision and Stealth

Sniper rifles in Call of Duty 5 are designed for long-range engagements, offering high damage and pinpoint accuracy. These Call of Duty 5 Guns are perfect for players who prefer to take out enemies from a distance.


The Springfield is an American bolt-action sniper rifle that offers high damage and excellent accuracy. This weapon is capable of delivering one-shot kills to the upper body and head, making it a deadly choice for long-range engagements. The Springfieldโ€™s bolt-action mechanism means that each shot must be followed by a reload, requiring precise aim and timing. The weapon’s historical significance as the standard sniper rifle for American forces is reflected in its performance in the game.


The Mosin-Nagant, also available as a sniper variant, is a Soviet rifle known for its high damage and accuracy. This bolt-action rifle is deadly at long ranges, capable of taking down enemies with a single well-placed shot. The Mosin-Nagantโ€™s slightly faster reload time compared to other bolt-action rifles makes it a bit more forgiving in combat. The weapon’s iconic status as a sniper rifle for Soviet forces during World War II is captured in its powerful performance in World at War.

Kar98k Sniper

The Kar98k sniper variant is similar to its standard version but comes equipped with a scope for long-range engagements. This weapon is one of the most accurate in the game, making it perfect for players who enjoy picking off enemies from a distance. The Kar98k sniper variant offers high damage and excellent range, but its slow rate of fire means that each shot needs to count. The weapon is best used in a supportive role, where its precision can help control the battlefield.

Arisaka Sniper

The Arisaka sniper variant is a Japanese bolt-action rifle equipped with a scope for long-range engagements. It offers similar performance to the Kar98k sniper, with high damage and excellent accuracy. The Arisaka sniper is particularly effective in the Pacific Theater maps, where its precision can be used to dominate long sightlines. The weapon’s historical accuracy and performance make it a valuable asset for players who enjoy sniping or holding defensive positions.

6. Shotguns โ€“ Devastating Close-Range Power

Shotguns in Call of Duty 5 are designed for close-quarters combat, offering high damage at short range. These Call of Duty 5 Guns are perfect for players who like to get up close and personal with their enemies.

M1897 Trench Gun

The M1897 Trench Gun is an American pump-action shotgun known for its devastating close-range power. This weapon can take down enemies with a single shot at close range, making it perfect for clearing out rooms or defending objectives. The M1897โ€™s pump-action mechanism means that players need to be precise with their shots, as each shell needs to be chambered manually. The weapon’s historical use by American forces in trench warfare is reflected in its brutal effectiveness in World at War.

Double-Barreled Shotgun

The Double-Barreled Shotgun is a powerful weapon that offers two shots before needing to reload. This shotgun delivers massive damage at close range, making it deadly in tight spaces. However, its limited capacity means that players need to make each shot count. The Double-Barreled Shotgun is best used in ambush situations or when defending choke points, where its raw power can quickly turn the tide of battle.

7. Pistols โ€“ Reliable Sidearms

Pistols in Call of Duty 5 serve as reliable sidearms, offering a quick-draw option when primary weapons run dry. While they lack the firepower of primary Call of Duty 5 Guns, pistols are essential for finishing off enemies in close quarters or when ammo is scarce.

Colt M1911

The Colt M1911 is an American semi-automatic pistol known for its reliability and stopping power. In World at War, the M1911 is a solid choice for players who need a dependable sidearm in close-quarters combat. The pistolโ€™s moderate rate of fire and good accuracy make it an effective backup weapon, allowing players to quickly switch to it when their primary weapon runs out of ammo.

Walther P38

The Walther P38 is a German semi-automatic pistol that offers good accuracy and moderate damage. This weapon is similar in performance to the M1911 but features a slightly faster reload time. The P38 is a reliable sidearm that can be used to finish off enemies in close quarters or when your primary weapon is empty. Its historical significance as a standard sidearm for German forces is reflected in its balanced performance in the game.


The Nambu is a Japanese semi-automatic pistol that offers a fast rate of fire and quick handling. This weapon is ideal for players who need a reliable sidearm that can deliver consistent shots in close-quarters combat. The Nambuโ€™s low recoil and fast draw time make it a solid choice for players who want a backup weapon that can get them out of tight situations.

Tokarev TT-33

The Tokarev TT-33 is a Soviet semi-automatic pistol known for its high damage and reliability. This weapon is one of the most powerful pistols in the game, capable of taking down enemies with just a few shots. The TT-33โ€™s slower rate of fire is balanced by its high damage output, making it a great choice for players who need a hard-hitting sidearm. The pistol’s performance in the game reflects its use by Soviet forces during World War II.

8. Explosive Weapons โ€“ High Damage and Area Denial

In addition to firearms, Call of Duty 5 features a variety of explosive weapons that can be used for area denial, destroying enemy equipment, or taking out groups of enemies.

M2 Flamethrower

The M2 Flamethrower is a unique weapon in World at War that offers high area denial capabilities. This weapon can unleash a stream of fire, burning enemies and clearing out bunkers or trenches. The M2 Flamethrower is best used in close quarters, where its flames can quickly overwhelm opponents. However, its limited range and slow movement speed make it a situational weapon that requires careful use.

M1 Bazooka

The M1 Bazooka is an American rocket launcher designed for taking out vehicles, enemy equipment, or groups of enemies in tight spaces. This weapon offers high explosive damage, making it a powerful tool for disrupting enemy strategies. However, its slow reload time and limited ammo capacity mean that players need to use it wisely. The M1 Bazooka is best used in situations where precision and firepower are needed to take down hard targets.


The Panzerschreck is a German rocket launcher similar to the M1 Bazooka but with higher damage output. This weapon is capable of taking down tanks and other armored vehicles with a single shot, making it a valuable asset on maps with vehicles. The Panzerschreckโ€™s high damage comes at the cost of mobility, as the weapon is heavy and slow to reload. The Panzerschreck is best used in a support role, where its firepower can help turn the tide of battle.

Sticky Grenades

Sticky grenades are a versatile explosive weapon that can be used to take out enemy equipment, vehicles, or groups of enemies. These grenades stick to surfaces or enemies before exploding, making them perfect for setting traps or taking out entrenched opponents. Sticky grenades are particularly effective in objective-based game modes, where they can be used to deny enemy access to key areas.

Conclusion: Mastering the Call of Duty 5 Guns

Call of Duty 5 Guns offers a diverse and historically accurate arsenal that reflects the brutal and varied combat of World War II. Whether you prefer the precision of sniper rifles, the close-range power of shotguns, or the sustained fire of light machine guns, there is a weapon in World at War that will suit your playstyle.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each weapon is crucial for success on the battlefield. By mastering the Call of Duty 5 guns, you can adapt to different combat scenarios, outmaneuver your opponents, and lead your team to victory.

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the weapons available in the game, but the key to success is practice and experimentation. Try out different loadouts, learn the maps, and find the weapons that best complement your playstyle. With the right combination of skill and strategy, you can dominate the battlefield in Call of Duty: World at War.

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